
Our Commitment to Net Zero Emissions and Building a Sustainable Tomorrow 

Boyne Resorts recognizes human-driven climate change as an urgent issue for the world, as well as for the SnowSports industry. In early 2021, we formalized commitments to climate action and announced our ForeverProject. 

ForeverProject is an initiative to attain a sustainable tomorrow through collaboration, by positively affecting the lasting impact our resorts, team members, and guests have on the planet. 

 ForeverProject: Our Commitment to Net Zero Emissions and Building a Sustainable Tomorrow  

  • Achieve net zero emissions by 2030: Read our ForeverProject 2030 Master Plan here
  • Power all operations with 100% clean electricity  
  • Reduce dependence on carbon-based fuels in existing buildings through energy efficiency upgrades and electrification  
  • Develop and implement high-efficiency green building standards for design and construction of new facility and real estate projects   
  • Upgrade our lift networks, installing the most technologically advanced lifts, and enhancing the energy efficiency of lift houses   
  • Install low-energy equipment while expanding snowmaking   
  • Add on-site renewable energy generation projects   
  • Monitor emerging technologies to identify opportunities to maximize efficiency and electrification of fleet vehicles and equipment 
  • Seek partnerships with local and/or meaningful programs to sequester carbon   

Increase diversion of waste from the landfill  

  • Initiate composting pilot
  • Enhance recycling through improved signage
  • Partner with local and non-profit organizations to donate/repurpose items, from uniforms to equipment 

    Continue to be a thoughtful steward of our ecosystem  

    • Host community environmental clean-ups 
    • Protect and limit disturbances to wildlife habitats, forests, and wetland ecosystems 
    • Conserve water through efficiency upgrades

      Utilize our business voice for good  

      • Educate team members on the purpose of specific plans and encourage their input and ideas 
      • Be a leader in the community, educating guests about sustainability and welcoming their participation in initiatives
      • Advocate at local, regional, and national levels for policies that promote climate solutions  

        Our Guiding Principles

        The three main pillars of the Boyne-wide sustainability efforts guide our direction.

        Guiding Principle

        Mindful efficiency

        Create and maintain a culture of reduction: energy use, waste output, water impact; balanced with maximized utilization of our human, technological, natural, and financial resources. 

        Guiding Principle

        Innovative Collaboration

        Support and reward outreach and partnerships that extend beyond all traditional boundaries, providing deeply valuable impact among our team members, and in our communities, industry, and environment for the long term. 

        Guiding Principle

        Tireless Conservation

        Protect the natural environment unwaveringly, ensuring proper use for purposes related to outdoor recreation, and preserving or rehabilitating the land over which we are stewards

        Sustainability coordinator